
The world Health

Home caregivers for people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should: ✅ Ensure the ill persons rests 🛌 , drinks plenty of fluids and eats nutritious food. ✅ Wear a medical mask when in the same room with an ill person. Do not touch the mask 😷 or face during use and discard it afterward. ✅ Frequently clean hands 🙌 with soap and water or alcohol-based rub, especially: • after any type of contact with the ill person or their surroundings • before, during and after preparing food • before eating • after using the toilet ✅ Use dedicated dishes đŸŊ, cups, eating utensils, towels and bedlinens for the ill person. Wash dishes, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedlinens used by the ill person with soap and water. ✅ Identify frequently touched surfaces by the ill person and clean and disinfect them daily. ✅ Call 📞 your health care facility immediately if the ill person worsens or experiences difficulty breathing.

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